Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Rules

The Goal is to eat, visit, meet the subject of, attend or otherwise experience every entry in The Baltimore City Paper's Best of Baltimore, 2011 edition. We may also attempt to complete all the entries in the City Paper's Reader's Poll, but lets not rush things, shall we? And now.....The Rules!

  1. All entries should thoroughly documented with photographs and written impressions.
  2. Entries do not have to be completed in any particular order, but preference should be given to entries that have limited engagements, short runs or would otherwise disappear before the year is out.
  3. All entries should be completed between now (September 21, 2011) and 1 year from today or before the next edition of the City Paper's Best of Baltimore is released, whichever comes last.
  4. Both of us must experience/visit/or otherwise complete the entry together. Solo flights do not count towards The Goal.
  5. Prior encounters with the subject of an entry do not count towards The Goal, but can be used for comparative purposes in assessing whether the entry is correct and truly deserves to be called the Best of Baltimore.
  6. Items specifically mentioned in the entry must be experienced (within reason). If it's a restaurant, we must eat a meal there, if it's a food item, we must consume that particular thing, if it's a service, we must have that service performed.
  7. If it's a place, like a neighborhood or monument it must be visited and prior research must be conducted so we have at least superficial background knowledge of the subject.
  8. If the entry is a person, other than a performer, we should attempt to meet that person and have a brief conversation. If this would be creepy or weird, we will choose some less intrusive way of completing the entry, such as writing them a letter or attending a lecture. If all else fails, we will Facebook stalk them.
  9. For events that have ended prior to publication, we will attempt to choose a reasonable facsimile of that event. For example, this year's Best Production was A Raisin in the Sun, by the Everyman Theatre, and is no longer running. Instead, we will attend a current Everyman Theatre play and watch the movie version of A Raisin in the Sun. The definition of "a reasonable facsimile" is up to our discretion.
  10. No services that interrupt a longstanding relationship, like with a doctor, dentist or veterinarian. Similarly, no services that would waste the service providers time, like calling a plumber for an estimate when we have no intention of having the work done.

1 comment:

  1. Correction to Rule #9! Raisin in the Sun is, in fact, still playing at the Everyman Theatre and we will be attending the evening performance on October 16th.
